About us
Creation : 1871
Production : 190 ha
Certification organic production : FR-BIO-15
Phyto passport : RH00284
SIRET : 812 830 883 000 11
APE Code : 0130Z
VAT Intracom: FR58812830883
Located at the foot of the Vercors and in the north of the “Drôme des collines”, our nursery has specialised in outdoor plants since 1871. Our trees are mainly intended for cities, communities or landscapers, but also for private individuals who wish to embellish their garden with already large plants or exceptional subjects.
Since 2015, we have been part of the Valdesbois group which includes:
Guillot-Bourne II Nurseries: nursery specialising in the cultivation of large and exceptional plants
Les pépinières du Domaine de Chapelan: general nursery producing plants in containers
Les pépinières Fruitiers de Chapelan: nursery specialising in the production of fruit trees.
Pierre de PRÉMARE
Manager of the group and its 3 entities:
Domaine de CHAPELAN
CHAPELAN Fruitiers
As expert they will answer to your any of your questions and enquiries related to tree technics and logistics.
They are your contacts from the beginning to the end of the project
Plant sales advisor
Hauts de France, Région sud PACA, Occitanie, Normandie, Centre Val de Loire, Pays de Loire, Corse, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Bretagne, Ile de France, Auvergne Rhône alpes (26 et 07) et Bourgogne Franche Comté (89 et 58)
Plant sales advisor
Auvergne Rhône Alpes (sauf 26 et 07), Grand Est, Bourgogne Franche Comté (71 et 21) et EXPORT (sauf UK).
Assistante communication Sales / communication administrator
Sales administration, commercial projects management and general calls/emails reception.
Logistics manager
Organise transport and deliveries to our customers in France and Europe. Manage customers invoices. Work closely with the shipping team.
Shipping manager
Manage the loading/unloading of the trucks, manage tree lifting schedule.
Accounting assistant
04 74 84 80 85
Accounting, supplier invoicing and payment.
Production manager
In charge of the plant quality at the nursery, of the production cycles and of the supply of raw materials. In charge of the Organic Production certification.
Soil preparation team: weeding, mowing, waste crushing by a machine or manually.
Lifting/plantation/transplantation team: lifting trees by tractors 1700/1800 or mini excavator, making rootballs by hands (long experience) for the large trees or by a tractor.
GEBEBAC Hf® :Plantation in planters equipped with our own technical system.