Vous souhaitez planter en toutes saisons ? Notre parcelle dédiée à la culture hors sol est là pour ça. Que ce soit en conteneur ou en airpot, notre offre est disponible pour vos achats ou réservation
Professionnel, collectivité et particulier, dans toute la France et pays voisins, vous trouverez dans notre pépinière, plus de 700 variétés consultables sur notre catalogue ci-dessous.
If you want to choose your own plants, we will be happy to welcome you by appointment for a tailor-made visit with our technicians.
Vos contacts commerciaux
Our environmental commitments
Always in a step of reduction of the use of phytosanitary products, of respect of the environment, but also to answer a growing demand of the communities and of our customers in general, we are labeled Organic Agriculture since 2017. To date, we are the only French tree nursery certified AB.
We hold the “Fleurs de France” mark, which is the assurance for our customers of the origin of the plants and their production on the national territory. This signature is reserved for plants produced by French nurserymen committed to an eco-responsible approach or recognised quality (Plante Bleue environmental certification, organic farming….).